Pictures on this page are from way back in the past...

Here's a picture below I think from 1990 with two of my cousins, a friend, and me visiting with the Easter Bunny and having our picture taken. I'm the one in the back row on the left. Yes, since we went to visit the Easter Bunny personally then and had our picture taken with him, we all got extra special Easter Baskets that year, too.

This other picture below was taken in December 1995 with Michelle.

This photo below is of me and some of my friends whenever I use to work at the senior center years ago. :-) We were having a blast that day during the Valentine's thingy I got together for them. I'm the one second from the left in the front row wearing the blue dress.....

This other picture below was taken of me back in 1991 whenever my hair was cut off short and permed. Just wanted to mention that this picture was actually taken in black and white on purpose!:-) It wasn't taken THAT long ago before color was added to pictures!
hehehehe :-)....


Below are a couple of my high school senior pictures when I had my hair permed yet again back then: