I loved this about being a proper southern lady, so I wanted to add this here.... The South is moving ahead, and yet it is still a place where one can find tradition and values...a place of true hospitality and warm friendly smiles....

Chivalry may not be well appreciated in some places outside the South today, but proper southern ladies do still most certainly appreciate it....

Make no mistake about it, manners matter in the South! It's about being decent to your fellow lady or gentleman and showing respect.

Proper southern ladies always try to use proper manners and social decorum.

A true proper southern lady never uses inappropriate language and always remains a lady. A proper southern lady knows how to address a situation without losing her temper. She carries her stature well, never haughty, but graceful.

She is refined in her manners. She understands well the part of the shy debutante, or the graceful Lady of the House. She appears soft, and demure, while, actually she is strong, and bold within. A Steel Magnolia one might say. She has been the strength when needed, but always remembering that she is a lady.